Bridging the gap between academia and Industry. That’s better.
Most students passing out of engineering colleges have theoretical knowledge but lack the skills to put them into practice. A leading India-based private university realized the need to bridge this gap and collaborated with Tata Technologies to set up custom training courses and innovation centers required to deliver industry-specific training.Challenge
As per market surveys, 53% of employers in India cite a lack of skills as the reason for entry-level vacancies. The supply (Academia) and demand (Industry) are strong, but graduates find it difficult to get employment and the industry struggles to get quality talent to satisfy the need. Corporates (93% in India) spend a huge amount of time and money on training the entry-level workforce to equip them with the skills and competencies required for the job. Lack of access to the latest technologies inhibits the innovation quotient of students which means they are unable to get jobs despite formal training and graduation. Industry-Academia partnership appears to be the only solution to this challenge.
Recognizing the need of the hour to train future-ready engineers, Tata Technologies and the private university collaborated to provide industry-oriented, innovation-led simulated competency centres; wherein the training is provided by leading experts from the industry to produce Industry ready engineers. In this approach, we have recognized the industry-academia gap and restructured our curriculum by adopting the next generation of technologies and tools to train our students to bridge this gap. Tata Technologies leveraged its expertise to build a world-class competency centre to offer B. Tech (Automobile Engineering) and B. Tech (Aeronautical Engineering). These competency centres include the innovation centre, technology centre, domain learning centre, tear-down benchmarking centre, advanced manufacturing centre, and virtual reality centre. These centres are equipped with advanced software, hardware and machines for providing hands-on experience to students. Tata Technologies developed a curriculum based on the present and future needs of Industries. Students are trained by industry subject matter experts in industry-simulated environments. This engagement helped industries to get ready engineers and save time and money on training.