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Key timelines
/ Project registration – 17thJul’23 – 31stAug’23

/ Virtual POC presentation – 17thOct’23 – 18thOct’23

/ Final demo day – 18thJan’24

1st Prize – INR 3,00,000**

2nd Prize – INR 1,00,000**

3rd Prize – INR 50,000**

**Terms and conditions apply. All cash prizes are subject to applicable tax deductions at source.

Winners of InnoVent 2023

Winner 1: Team Rolex

Winner 2: Team Blitzkrieg

Winner 3: Team ThunderBolt

Top 10 projects of InnoVent 2023

Team Rolex

Bannari Amman Institute Of Technology
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Team Rolex

Bannari Amman Institute Of Technology

Problem statement: In the automotive industry, car design is a complex process. Creating innovative and aesthetically pleasing car designs while ensuring safety and regulatory compliance presents multifaceted challenges. Furthermore, it often demands substantial investments in design teams, tools, and physical prototypes.

Solution: Utilizing generative AI (Stable Diffusion) to accelerate design iterations. Unlocking new creative potentials by allowing users to provide text prompts. Optimizing automotive styling efficiency through automation. Providing a user-friendly interface that democratizes car design, making it accessible to a broader audience. Encouraging creative innovation by producing a wide range of unique car designs.

Team Blitzkrieg

RVCE, Bangalore
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Team Blitzkrieg

RVCE, Bangalore

Problem Statement: Deploying autonomous vehicles in India, addressing the challenges posed by irregular traffic patterns and diverse driving conditions on Indian roads.

Solution: The solution consists of a Vehicle Control Unit that integrates CAN and X via wire tech in addition to mechanical and electrical design for AEVs, including chassis, suspension, steering, and braking. With the help of advanced sensor integration—radar, cameras, IMU, and lidar—a sophisticated sensor system is incorporated, allowing for real-time AI analysis for safe and effective autonomous operation in the face of India’s varied traffic patterns.

Team ThunderBolt

VIT, Vellore
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Team ThunderBolt

VIT, Vellore

Problem statement: Electric vehicles face challenges like prolonged charging times, limited range, and sparse charging infrastructure, hindering widespread adoption. This, coupled with battery degradation, adds costs and reduces overall efficiency, impacting their practicality for daily use and longer journeys.

Solution: Our solution, VIDYUT, revolutionizes electric vehicle refueling with a unique battery system and pumping station. Unlike traditional plug-in methods, VIDYUT enables a swift 5-minute recharge by replacing discharged electrolytes with charged ones. The system consists of two electrolyte tanks, delivering chemical energy through a battery pack for quick vehicle power-up.

Team Eleterra

PCCOER, Ravet, Pune
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Team Eleterra

PCCOER, Ravet, Pune

Problem statement: The problem statement involves designing Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) for reducing human involvement in agriculture, defense, industrial, and radioactive areas, while also providing assistance in military and surveillance applications.

Solution: The team has created an affordable and highly adaptable Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) that incorporates AI-assisted object detection for tasks like weed identification in agriculture and tracking hostile UAVs. In military use, the UGV boasts a substantial payload capacity, auto GPS-guided navigation, and a tube-launched quadcopter drone for surveillance. It utilizes long-range radio communication and AI models like YOLOv8 with SPP-net for precise object detection. With modular components, high-torque motors, and user-friendly controls, it’s designed for reliability and adaptability, allowing seamless switching between internet and radio controls., it offers a range of up to 10km and supports various attachments.

Team BRR

NIT, Silchar
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Team BRR

NIT, Silchar

Problem statement: The thermal management of EV batteries presents critical challenges, including reduced efficiency, safety risks, limited range, and accelerated degradation. Existing cooling systems struggle to consistently maintain the optimal battery temperature, and, in some cases, draw energy from the battery itself. Developing a solution for efficient, safe, and cost-effective thermal management in EV is the call of the hour.

Solution: Hybrid Phase Change Materials (PCMs) based battery casing represent an innovative solution for electric vehicle (EV) battery thermal management, combining active heat dissipation with passive temperature regulation. This approach ensures swift response to temperature fluctuations, enhances cooling capacity during high-demand scenarios, improves overall energy efficiency, stabilizes temperature across diverse climates, and significantly enhances safety by preventing thermal runaway in EV batteries.

Team Isourse

S.R.M, Chennai
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Team Isourse

S.R.M, Chennai

Problem statement: Developed a model to combat fatigue-related road accidents by integrating awareness, regulations, technology, and behavioral changes. The model detects drowsy driving, issuing alerts to potentially save lives and prevent accidents caused by driving while feeling sleepy.

Solution: The team developed a Drowsiness Detection System that uses components like cameras and ultrasonic sensors to identify signs of drowsiness, such as drooping eyelids and erratic driving. The lane detection system ensures accurate navigation within parking areas, while a comprehensive sensor suite detects obstacles and initiates external notifications to nearby vehicles and authorities, extending vigilance to other drivers.

Team Anything

S.R.M, Chennai
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Team Anything

S.R.M, Chennai

Problem statement: The project aims to develop an AR/VR solution for industrial machinery planning and operation. Enable precise visualization of machinery setups for industrial organizations. Provide a dynamic platform for workers to learn and operate machinery.

Solution: MetriCS Innovation uses AR/VR technology to revolutionize industrial planning and operations, creating 3D models for machinery and entire warehouses. The focus is on enhancing resource planning through on-the-go visualization, providing interactive guidance and training to streamline operations and save time and resources. The mobile application allows seamless model sharing, and exports to popular file formats ensure compatibility with industry-standard tools like Blender.

Team VirtualVerse Crafters

Centurion University of Technology & Management, Bhubaneswar
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Team VirtualVerse Crafters

Centurion University of Technology & Management, Bhubaneswar

Problem statement: Project aims to develop an AR/VR-based Virtual Prototyping Lab that enables product designers, engineers, and stakeholders to collaboratively create, simulate, and test product prototypes in a virtual space.

Solution: Designers can import and manipulate 3D models, adjusting components, materials, and assembly configurations in real-time. Teams can assemble and disassemble virtual prototypes, testing for fit, alignment, and interlocking mechanisms. Remote Collaboration Facilitate real-time collaboration between team members, regardless of their physical location, by providing synchronized views and interaction tools. Design Offer tools for interactive design review and feedback, allowing stakeholders to provide input and make informed decisions. Reduce the need for physical prototypes, leading to shorter development cycles and lower production costs.

Team Quick-Fix

BVRIT, Hyderabad
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Team Quick-Fix

BVRIT, Hyderabad

Problem statement: Road accidents remain a significant concern due to unsafe driving practices, To tackle this problem, an innovative system named Smart Guardian is proposed. By integrating advanced technologies and features, it aims to target the underlying causes of unsafe driving behaviors, thereby reducing the frequency of road accidents.

Solution: By harnessing machine learning, the engine’s health is under constant surveillance, allowing for the detection of any abnormalities in its components and the prevention of more serious issues. The camera verifies the driver’s license and facial identity, unlocking the vehicle if authorized, and employing continuous driver recognition to ensure consistency during the trip. The device also monitors the driver’s pulse for drowsiness. If the pulse drops below 60 BPM, an alarm is triggered to alert the driver and prevent accidents caused by fatigue. An alcohol detection sensor near the steering checks for alcohol in the vehicle during startup and while in motion. If alcohol is detected, the vehicle remains idle or reduces speed for safety measures.

Team TRI V

NIT, Bhopal
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Team TRI V

NIT, Bhopal

Problem statement: Provide the world with an inexpensive, reliable, and safer alternative that can be customized by the needs of the person as well as the differently abled strata.

Solution: The solution to this problem is the Wheelchair model. This model can be used for a variety of purposes depending on the user’s needs. It can be used as a vehicle as well as a wheelchair. It can also be used as a workstation, bed and many other applications.
Additionally, the design of an E-bike and an interconnected system of electric charging stations can be used to expand the benefits of the Health and Energy sector. The Overall solution that the E-bicycle Ecosystem provides is that it provides an easy and cheap alternative  for many people who are in the need of a  vehicle. It also looks majorly after the  increasing use of vehicle for small/daily chores. Provides a good range and healthy battery backup for the upcoming new generation. It can also be beneficial for many enclosed campuses/Industrial areas where the use of vehicles is prohibited and unsafe at the same time.

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